8591-884-036 | kirtishankhdhar@gmail.com
Are amongs the most common preventable cancers.
Primary Prevention - HPV vaccination
Secondary Prevention -also known as screening. Screening tests are
Screening is recommended for all women aged 25-65 yrs of age.
All screen positive women should be further evaluated by Colposcopy and guided biopsy (if required) and treated according to Colposcopy finding.
Tertiary prevention is treating all cancer patients to reduce complications and to improve quality of life.
Digital video colposcope is an international ultra modern machine used to examine the Mouth of uterus (Cervix).
Patients can see the picture on TV monitor or computer. It will help to diagnose the cancer of cervix in early stages.
If you are suffering any of the above mentioned symptoms, then get yourself checked immediately.
Cancer Prevention Questions! Don’t worry it’s not an operation or surgery. This is a simple but very important painless test. Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Cervical Cancer is second most common cause of Cancer in Indian Women. Although it is most common cause of Cancer Death in Indian women.
Yes. Cervical Cancer is caused by HPV virus for which vaccine is available. Vaccine can be taken between 9-45 years of ages. Vaccine is available at Dr Kirti Shankhdhar’s Women’s Health Clinic in Chembur, Mumbai. Regular Pap Smear, LBC, HPV test, Colposcopy helps to detect Precancerous Conditions. You can get all these test at Dr Kirti Shankhdhar Women’s Health Clinic in Chembur, Mumbai.
Colposcopy is a procedure to closely examine Cervix, Vagina & Vulva under magnification by a special instrument called Colposcope.
Colposcopy should be done in women with
Colposcopy is a simple & painless procedure.
By Colposcopy we can detect abnormalities of Vulva, Vagina & Cervix which are not possible to detect by regular gynecological examination.
Cervicitis, Cervical Erosion, Precancerous Conditions ( CIN ), Early Cancers all can be detected by Colposcopy.
Yes. We can take guided Biopsy and treat all Benign and Precancerous Conditions by doing various procedures under Colposcopic guidance.
Colposcopy can detect Cervix Cancer at very early stages before it is visible on regular examination.
Dr. Kirti Shankhdhar’s Women’s Health Clinic in Chembur has facilities for Colposcopy and Colposcopy guided procedures.
You can book an appointment by Whatsapp or Call on 8591884036.
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